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Biketour library/ Resource centre

After coming back from the tour this year I was thinking it might be cool to take an ecotopia library / resource centre with us next time (not a trailer full of books! just may be a water proof bag with some well selected leaflets / zines). This is definitely not urgent, but just thought I’d put the idea out there now while this year’s tour is still fresh in people’s minds…

Some essential items would be information on facilitation and consensus decision making – Seeds for Change have a really good resource page with info on this. We did a workshop on facilitation this year during the tour, and it would definitely have been handy to have these to help us plan the workshop and to clarify some of the processes and concepts for people!

What it might contain: Resources for organising in a group and for planning activities (e.g the Seeds for Change leaflets on Facilitating Meetings, Tools for Facilitating, Consensus Decision Making, and Planning Workshops) Resources for actions (e.g briefings about campaigns / groups / issues in areas on the route, ‘know your rights’ leaflets for the countries we are passing through, stuff on planning and affinity groups etc..) Any additional information about projects on the route Food – recipes! Music – some song lyrics? May be not though, making them up can be much more entertaining…:) Practical stuff – herb identification, herbal remedies, some short info on bikes such as the M check, etc Politics / Theory – on capitalism (Das Kapital?), immigration, austerity, energy, gender, sexuality, privilege etc etc etc…

…and may be some fiction as well if it’s good and short.


Seeds for Change - Resources on decision making, meetings and workshop planning

Bicycology - resources about cycling

i have 2 ideas for stickers:

1) we should have one sticker to mark the route, as addition to bt-sign, but a bit longer lasting and more reliable putting these stickers can be another task during the tour

here is an idea, how this sticker could look like u see, i am not the great photoshopper, this is just that u can get an idea the triangle should be more clearly pointing into one direction, the colour as bright as can be and there can some work be done on the font and the logo

2) i also would like to have lots of different outreach stickers local kids just love to et them, and they wil put them all over and make advertisement for us

travelling exhibition

i did a exhibition with laminated a4 photos of past tours. you can get the files from me but i was planning a lot more:

i am planning on a bt exhibition

we have 4 trailors so 8 sides to advertise with but i have a bigger exhibition in mind 2 sides a3 or a2 lamiated and a frame system to bundle them on the trailors even with 5 sheets per trailor we come to 10 per trailor and 40 in total but around 100 would be better such an exhibition is a good way to create space 4 an bt action on a market place. nad it has to work with as few words a posssible. do u know some good pictures/graphics/graphs about traffic ? or about other bt themes, local production, waste, community, whatever ... black and white would be great, i dod not know about our budget of this thing, if we can afford colour. i have the cartoons cd and will scann through the bt photos of 2003 to 2005 i have jan