
From Ecotopia Biketour Wiki
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  • History:
    • Twitter was tested for the first time in 2006.
    • But mainly used during 2007, with some tweaking, to allow multi-person delivery of SMS's while on the road (logistical coordination).
    • In 2008 it was also used as a way of updating a blog, from the SMS sent while riding.
    • Also in 2008, after the tour, Twitter stopped delivering SMS' to non-US mobiles... Therefore most of its initial use as a tool was lost.
  • Use*
    • From the road it is easy to update these accounts with an SMS to the twitter number (+44 762 4801423) but register the number first with the BT twitter, to instantly update the BT family with the latest campsite of BT.
    • However, Twitter has some issues with phone numbers from small countries, and this doesnt update the free variant of twitter.
    • Therefore, BT can also use, which spreads an sms to +447786208201 from a verified mobile number directly to Twitter, and the BT Facebook page.
    • The username for twitter and is biketour. For it is
  • Future:

(taborda also thinks this is outdated)

To add your phone to our Twitter profile, follow these steps (source) :

  1. Send a text to +44 762 4801423 with the word START.
  2. Wait 2 minutes.
  3. Next, send your username biketour to +44 762 4801423. Do not use @ or quotes. Send our username ONLY.
  4. Wait 2 minutes after sending your username.
  5. Next, send our password to the same number. This is case sensitive, so be sure you are sending your password correctly.
  6. Wait 2 minutes.
  7. Finally, send the word OK to the same number.

Then, if everything went alright, you can send twitter updates to +44 762 4801423