
From Ecotopia Biketour Wiki
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Introduction to wiki

A wiki is a website that allows the visitors to easily add, remove, and otherwise edit and change text. This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for collaborative authoring. Our wiki is a public collection of different informations about the biketour. At the moment it is not used so much but for some things it is handy and has advandtages to the pads. [1]


To edit this wiki you need to register to get an account.

Once that is done, and you are logged in, you can edit pages. To change their title, you have to go on "more" => "move"

If you want to create a new page you can either type the name in the search-field and click on the appearing red link or by transforming something in a link on another page in th edit-mode. It is generally useful to put pages into categories so that they can be found. To do that, you go on the menu-sign next to the questionmark in the top-right corner.

most used

Currently the wiki is used for
