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From Ecotopia Biketour Wiki
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The Ecotopia Biketour Wiki (a.k.a. Ecotopedia) is a place to store information that is mostly relevant to the people involved in the preparation of the Biketour.

Any content that is relevant to participants or the general public, for example official announcements about the route, the Biketour values, information about what is needed to participate, should be on the website instead.

In some cases, the Wiki is also used for collaborative documents (for example to coordinate who is bringing what), but for this it is probably better to use EtherPad or EtherCalc, as those don't require registration.

Everyone can (currently) read any page in this Wiki, and everyone can edit any page, but needs to register for that.

More about the Wiki

Ecotopia Biketour 2019

Our IT Tools

General Information

Former Biketours

Organizing Ecotopia Biketour

This is a self-organized tour!

No club, no NGO, no political party. Just some people following an idea - since 1990!

You are the biketour!

Some ideas of how you can help

There is lots to be done :) Here are smaller areas of the project, where u could be the right person to take responsibility:

  • coordinating a bit of the route (regional co-ordinators are wanted who speak the local language, can help find sleeping/cooking places, plan the route & find suitable maps for that region, have the overview of actions along the route. See more here: Checklist for national/local organisers)
  • take care of our outreach during the tour: flyer, poster, website content, prepare an action, prepare a theatre piece, prepare workshop to be given to the tour members or to the public
  • coordinate the outreach for participants and organizers
  • maintain the website
  • style/design leaflets, posters...
  • raise funds
  • take care about visas issues
  • help overall coordination
  • be the backup office when we are on tour
  • presswork - in your own country and international contacts
  • spread the word on the internet through using free software and uncommercial services as much as possible
  • Translate documents
  • Translate key texts to key-languages (e.g. German, and Eastern Europe in 2013) and other languages
  • The wiki pages need to be updated, cleaned out and ordered continuously!!!!!