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===Sleeping places===
===Sleeping places===

'''[[16 July]]''' (Wednesday) [[20 km past Svilengrad border]] - aprox. 40km

'''[[17 July]]''' (Thursday) [[Yenkadin]] - aprox. 15-20km
*#* Somewhere 20 km past border…
*#* This part will be nasty and can be really slow. Crossing border will take long (they check all bags) and maybe we need to walk some parts cause of safety reason. Aprox  first 6 km  after border there is lot of traffic (lorries!) and only 1,5 meter (max) space on the side of the road (sometimes there is a pavement we could possibly take)

*ROUTE:From Svilingrad via Kapikule border to Yenkadin
*# This part will be nasty and can be really slow. Crossing border will take long (they check all bags) and maybe we need to walk some parts cause of safety reason. Aprox  first 6 km  after border there is lot of traffic (lorries!) and only 1,5 meter (max) space on the side of the road (sometimes there is a pavement we could possibly take)
** ?
** How to get there:
** How to get there:
*** ?
*FOOD: ?
*FOOD: ?
*Ideas: Students from the university of Edirne bikers group are making plans to meet us on the border and maybe cycle some part with us!!!
*Media contacts:

*Media contacts:

  '''[[17 July]]''' (Thursday) [[Sogutludere]] - 30 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[18 July]]''' (Friday) [[Sogutludere]] - 50? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: from Yenkadin to Sogutludere
*#* ?
*IDEAS: Cycle and some rest (short distance). we could maybe cycle further this day... 30 km is not much...

  '''[[18 July]]''' (Friday) [[Cavuskoy]] - 51,5 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[19 July]]''' (Saturday) [[Cavuskoy]] - 51,5 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE:From Sogutludere to Cavuskoy
*#* ?

'''[[20 July]],[[21 July]]&[[22 July]]''' (Sunday, Monday & Tuesday) [[Kıyıkoy Kasatura]] (national park) - 52 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE:From Cavuskoy to Kiyikoy
*SLEEP:we will stay three nights at a camping site
*IDEAS: Kiyikoy has a natural park! We plan to stay here three nights, so we can have one day for rest and one day for action. The action could be done in together with local groups who protest against a planned oil pipeline here. 

'''[[19 July]],[[20 July]]&[[21 July]]''' (Saturday,Sunday&Monday) [[Kıyıkoy Kasatura]] (national park) - 52 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*#* ?
*SLEEP:we will stay three nights at...
*IDEAS: Kiyikoy has a natural park! We plan to stay here three nights, so we can have one day for rest and one day for action. The action could be done in together with local groups who protest against a planned oil pipeline in this area. 

'''[[23, 24 & 25 July]]''' (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) [[Istanbul (Beyoglu: centre)]] 28 km cycling  (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: cycle from Kiyikoy to Cerkezkoy and then alternative transport, because there is too much heavy traffic on the roads before Istanbul.
*#We need to call our contact, a transporter of a cooperative of lorry transport. He will be able to arrange 1 truck to transport our bikes and 2 persons. The others can take the train (without bike!, the train company will not allow to take bikes here) at 19:30 pm from Cerkezkoy to Istanbul (takes 2/3 hours).
*# Other train posssibilities at 7:00 and 10:30 AM and  19:30 PM from Cerkezkoy to Istanbul.
*SLEEP: we will sleep in little groups in different houses in the centre
*IDEAS: sleep here 3 nights: one resting day and one meeting day. On the day that we leave there will be an action day The action (see 26 July)

'''[[22 July]]''' (Tuesday) [[Cerkezkoy]] - 48km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*#* ?

  '''[[26 July]]''' (Saturday) [[Poyrazkoy]] - 55km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[23 July]]''' (Wednesday) [[Istanbul (Beyoglu: centre)]] - ?km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: from Istanbul to Poyrazkoy
*ACTION: We will leave Istanbul in spectacular way as there is a bike parade/critical mass planned today! Barisa Pedal (cycle for peace group) activists and all other cyclists of Istanbul will support us on the busy streets in this huge city. We want to arrange permission (if neccesary) to pass via the Bosphorus Bridge (Boğaziçi Köprüsü) to Asia on our bikes! Maybe we need police escort... (this bridge is 1,510 m long and ach direction has three lanes. There is no space for bikes and a lot of traffic, but it is not a highway and Lorries are not allowed).  
*#There is a new plan to enter Istanbul. Before we thought to cycle and take a part of road D010 (via Ihsaniye) to enter Istanul, but due to work on a highway near to this road, there is much heavy traffic here (I have never seen so many trucks!!!!).  
*SLEEP:Big picknick area before Poyrazkoy (piknik alani) with tables, a fountain and a green fıeld on the right side of the road.
*#* Suha found out trains don’t take bikes here. It would be possible but too expensive to arrange a special train part for our bikes. But another solution: We can call Gurkan (02827265055), a transporter of a cooperative of lorry transport. He will be able to arrange 1 truck to transport our bikes and ourselves (anyone has problem with taking a lorry?). People can also take trains (without bike) at 7:00 and 10:30 am  and  19:30 pm from Cerkezkoy to Istanbul.  
* Idea:
'''[[24 July]]&[[25 July]]''' (Friday&Saturday) [[Istanbul]] - 0km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: 1REST & 1actionday
*#* ?
*IDEAS: sleep here 3 nights: one resting day and one action day. The action day will be organized together with barisa Pedal (activist bike-group) and purpose is to promote the use of bikes for transport and use of renewable energy sources.  

  '''[[27 July]]''' (Sunday) [[Sile]] - 52km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[27 July]]''' (Sunday) [[Sile]] - 52km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: from Poyrazkoy to Sile
*SLEEP: On the beach (=Sahil) of Sile
*#* ?
* Idea: Still valid? Today there will be a bike-parade organized together with Barisa pedal. As a huge group we will leave Istanbul and plans are to cycle over the Bosphorus bridge to Asia.
'''[[28 July]]''' (Monday) [[Agva]] - 34km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*#* ?

  '''[[29 July]]&[[30 July]]''' (Tuesday&Wednesday) [[Kerpe Sarısu Koyu]] - 45km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[28 July]]''' (Monday) [[Agva]] - 34 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: from Sile to Agva
*#From ... to ...  2nd day is a rest day
*SLEEP: On the beach (= plaj) of Agva
*#* Kerpe Sarısu Koyu is a really beautiful natural site with rocks and mountains…

'''[[29 & 30 July]]''' (Tuesday & Wednesday) [[Kerpe Sarısu Koyu]] - 45km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: from Agva to Kerpe
*# Kerpe Sarısu Koyu is a really beautiful natural site with rocks and mountains…
*SLEEP: On green field on left side of beach (plaj) of Kerpe

  '''[[31 July]]''' (Thursday) [[Karasu]] - 55km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[31 July]]''' (Thursday) [[Karasu]] - 55km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: from Kerpe to Karasu
*SLEEP: ?  
*#* ?
*SLEEP: ? (famous but nice beach, not so nice motor race circuit near)

'''[[31 July]]''' (Thursday) [[Karasu]] - 55km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*#* ?
*SLEEP: ? (famous but nice beach, not so nice motor race circuit near)

'''[[1 August]]''' (Friday) [[Cumayeri or Akcakoga]] - 50km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE:from Karasu to Cumayeri or Akcakoga
*SLEEP: on beach or campsite of Akcakoga

'''[[1 August]]''' (Friday) [[Cumayeri]] - 50km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*#* ?

  '''[[2 August]]''' (Saturday) [[Alaplı Seyfetler ]] - 60km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[2 August]]''' (Saturday) [[Alaplı Seyfetler ]] - 60km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE:from Cumayeri/Akcakoga to Alapli
*#* ?

  '''[[3 August]]''' (Sunday) [[Zonguldak]] - ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[3 August]]''' (Sunday) [[Caycuma]] - ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: 2 possibilities
*#The mayor of Zonguldak arranges us a lorry to carry the bikes and a minibus to transport ourselves from Caycuma to Zonguldak. We will call him when we are leaving Istanbul.
*#At 21:45 there is a train from Zonguldak to Caycuma, which will arrive at 22 45. ****
*#*Route between Alapli and Zonguldak (and maybe even earlier then Alapli?) asks for alternative!!! Cycling on D010 coastal road could be too dangerous here: many trucks, heavy traffic. Suha and Yo are checking out alternatives (Suha will talk with Barisa Pedal people and Murat about this and will contact mayor of Zonguldak to see if he can help out).
**Why alternative?: Coastal road D010 between Alapli and Zonguldak is too dangerous: many trucks, heavy traffic.  
*SLEEP: The municipality in Caycuma arranges student houses and gardens for us.
*Ideas: The mayor of Zonguldak is interested in organizing an action to promote bikes we could do this in afternoon we spend here...  

'''[[4 August]]''' (Monday) [[Fylios]] - ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: Poss.train + half rest? ( or cycle?)
*#* Suha will check train times, prices and possibilities of taking bikes in train between Zonguldak and Fylios/Gokceller.

  '''[[5 August]],[[6 August]]&[[7 August]]''' (Tuesday,Wednesday&Thursday) [[Amasra]] - 59km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[4 August, 5 & 6 August]]''' (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) [[Amasra]] - 56,8 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: We will cycle from Caycuma to Amasra
*SLEEP: We will sleep 3 days at:
*#* ?
*ACTION: Possible action together with the locals against the planned thermal reactors here
*Ideas: Possible action against planned thermic power plant on 1 of the 2 stopped days

'''[[8 August]]''' (Friday) [[Karpısuyu]] - 47,5km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*#* ?

'''[[7 August]]''' (Thursday) [[Karpısuyu]] - 47,5km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE:from  Amasra to Karpisuyu
*SLEEP: On the right side of the village beach under the trees!

'''[[9 August]]''' (Saturday) [[Sakallı]] - 40km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*#* ?

'''[[8 August]]''' (Friday) [[Sakallı]] - 40km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE:from Karpisuyu to Sakalli
*SLEEP: on the beach with tents

  '''[[10 August]]&[[11 August]]''' (Sunday&Monday) [[Doganyurt]] - 51km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[9 & 10 August]]''' (Saturday & Sunday) [[Doganyurt]] - 51 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE:From Sakalli to Doganyurt
*SLEEP: We are invited to put the tents on the public area near the beach on left side of the village, near a place with shower, a fitness “playground” and basketballfield.
*#* ?

'''[[11 August]]''' (Monday) [[Abana]] - 52,6km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: from Doganyurt to Abana
*SLEEP: possibly on the campsite in Abana

'''[[12 August]]''' (Tuesday) [[Abana]] - 52,6km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*#* ?

'''[[12 & 13  August]]''' (Tuesday & Wednesday) [[Ayancik]] - 62km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: from Abana to Ayancik
*SLEEP: Beach area near last terras. (We have contacts here and should call them 2 days before arrival)
*#how to get there: When you reach Ayancik follow sign to centre (Serehsi merkerci) and later follow signs to Attaturk cad. You will end up at the beach area. Go to the leftside of the beach, near the seawall, there are a few terasses. We have a contact with the owners of the last terras between the volleybal field and the childrens playground.
*ACTION: We could organize action in alliance with local actiongroups who protest against a planned thermal power plant in Ayancik. [we could invite Ecotopia people here...]
*Ideas: We can choose to stay another night after the action of 13 august or cycle to Ecotopia right away, where food will be cooked for us...!

'''[[13 August]]&[[14 August]]''' (Wednesday&Thursday) [[Ayancık]] - 62km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*#* ?
*Ideas: Action?
** Can we establish contacts with the local action group? Would it be good plan to organize an action with them? Suha can you check this out?

  '''[[15 August]]''' (Friday) [[Sarikum]]/[[Ecotopıa]] - 30km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  '''[[13 or 14 August]]''' (Wednesday or Thursday) [[Sarikum]]/[[Ecotopıa]] - 30km (NOT CONFIRMED)
*ROUTE: from Ayancik to Saricum
*SLEEP: Ecotopia camp
*#* ?
*EAT: delicious vegan and vegeterian food will be cooked for us at Ecotopia!

Revision as of 13:37, 20 June 2008

  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Turkish number: (0090)5542699611
Coordinators are ?

begin - Kapikule (border) 16 July

  • Ideas:

Sleeping places

17 July (Thursday) Yenkadin - aprox. 15-20km
  • ROUTE:From Svilingrad via Kapikule border to Yenkadin
    1. This part will be nasty and can be really slow. Crossing border will take long (they check all bags) and maybe we need to walk some parts cause of safety reason. Aprox first 6 km after border there is lot of traffic (lorries!) and only 1,5 meter (max) space on the side of the road (sometimes there is a pavement we could possibly take)
  • SLEEP: ?
    • How to get there:
  • FOOD: ?
  • Ideas: Students from the university of Edirne bikers group are making plans to meet us on the border and maybe cycle some part with us!!!
  • Media contacts:

18 July (Friday) Sogutludere - 50? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: from Yenkadin to Sogutludere
  • SLEEP: ?
  • IDEAS:

19 July (Saturday) Cavuskoy - 51,5 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:From Sogutludere to Cavuskoy
  • SLEEP: ?
  • Ideas:
20 July,21 July&22 July (Sunday, Monday & Tuesday) Kıyıkoy Kasatura (national park) - 52 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:From Cavuskoy to Kiyikoy
  • SLEEP:we will stay three nights at a camping site
  • IDEAS: Kiyikoy has a natural park! We plan to stay here three nights, so we can have one day for rest and one day for action. The action could be done in together with local groups who protest against a planned oil pipeline here.

23, 24 & 25 July (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) Istanbul (Beyoglu: centre) 28 km cycling  (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: cycle from Kiyikoy to Cerkezkoy and then alternative transport, because there is too much heavy traffic on the roads before Istanbul.
    1. We need to call our contact, a transporter of a cooperative of lorry transport. He will be able to arrange 1 truck to transport our bikes and 2 persons. The others can take the train (without bike!, the train company will not allow to take bikes here) at 19:30 pm from Cerkezkoy to Istanbul (takes 2/3 hours).
    2. Other train posssibilities at 7:00 and 10:30 AM and 19:30 PM from Cerkezkoy to Istanbul.
  • SLEEP: we will sleep in little groups in different houses in the centre
  • IDEAS: sleep here 3 nights: one resting day and one meeting day. On the day that we leave there will be an action day The action (see 26 July)

26 July (Saturday) Poyrazkoy - 55km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: from Istanbul to Poyrazkoy
  • ACTION: We will leave Istanbul in spectacular way as there is a bike parade/critical mass planned today! Barisa Pedal (cycle for peace group) activists and all other cyclists of Istanbul will support us on the busy streets in this huge city. We want to arrange permission (if neccesary) to pass via the Bosphorus Bridge (Boğaziçi Köprüsü) to Asia on our bikes! Maybe we need police escort... (this bridge is 1,510 m long and ach direction has three lanes. There is no space for bikes and a lot of traffic, but it is not a highway and Lorries are not allowed).
  • SLEEP:Big picknick area before Poyrazkoy (piknik alani) with tables, a fountain and a green fıeld on the right side of the road.
  • Idea:

27 July (Sunday) Sile - 52km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: from Poyrazkoy to Sile
  • SLEEP: On the beach (=Sahil) of Sile

28 July (Monday) Agva - 34 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: from Sile to Agva
  • SLEEP: On the beach (= plaj) of Agva

29 & 30 July (Tuesday & Wednesday) Kerpe Sarısu Koyu - 45km (NOT CONFIRMED)

  • ROUTE: from Agva to Kerpe
    1. Kerpe Sarısu Koyu is a really beautiful natural site with rocks and mountains…
  • SLEEP: On green field on left side of beach (plaj) of Kerpe
31 July (Thursday) Karasu - 55km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: from Kerpe to Karasu
  • SLEEP: ?

1 August (Friday) Cumayeri or Akcakoga - 50km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:from Karasu to Cumayeri or Akcakoga
  • SLEEP: on beach or campsite of Akcakoga

2 August (Saturday) Alaplı Seyfetler  - 60km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:from Cumayeri/Akcakoga to Alapli
  • SLEEP:?

3 August (Sunday) Caycuma - ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:
    1. The mayor of Zonguldak arranges us a lorry to carry the bikes and a minibus to transport ourselves from Caycuma to Zonguldak. We will call him when we are leaving Istanbul.
    2. At 21:45 there is a train from Zonguldak to Caycuma, which will arrive at 22 45. ****
    • Why alternative?: Coastal road D010 between Alapli and Zonguldak is too dangerous: many trucks, heavy traffic.
  • SLEEP: The municipality in Caycuma arranges student houses and gardens for us.
  • Ideas: The mayor of Zonguldak is interested in organizing an action to promote bikes we could do this in afternoon we spend here...

4 August, 5 & 6 August (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) Amasra - 56,8 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: We will cycle from Caycuma to Amasra
  • SLEEP: We will sleep 3 days at:
  • ACTION: Possible action together with the locals against the planned thermal reactors here

7 August (Thursday) Karpısuyu - 47,5km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:from Amasra to Karpisuyu
  • SLEEP: On the right side of the village beach under the trees!

8 August (Friday) Sakallı - 40km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:from Karpisuyu to Sakalli
  • SLEEP: on the beach with tents
9 & 10 August (Saturday & Sunday) Doganyurt - 51 km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:From Sakalli to Doganyurt
  • SLEEP: We are invited to put the tents on the public area near the beach on left side of the village, near a place with shower, a fitness “playground” and basketballfield.

11 August (Monday) Abana - 52,6km (NOT CONFIRMED)

  • ROUTE: from Doganyurt to Abana
  • SLEEP: possibly on the campsite in Abana

12 & 13  August (Tuesday & Wednesday) Ayancik - 62km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: from Abana to Ayancik
  • SLEEP: Beach area near last terras. (We have contacts here and should call them 2 days before arrival)
    1. how to get there: When you reach Ayancik follow sign to centre (Serehsi merkerci) and later follow signs to Attaturk cad. You will end up at the beach area. Go to the leftside of the beach, near the seawall, there are a few terasses. We have a contact with the owners of the last terras between the volleybal field and the childrens playground.
  • ACTION: We could organize action in alliance with local actiongroups who protest against a planned thermal power plant in Ayancik. [we could invite Ecotopia people here...]
  • Ideas: We can choose to stay another night after the action of 13 august or cycle to Ecotopia right away, where food will be cooked for us...!

13 or 14 August (Wednesday or Thursday) Sarikum/Ecotopıa - 30km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: from Ayancik to Saricum
  • SLEEP: Ecotopia camp
  • EAT: delicious vegan and vegeterian food will be cooked for us at Ecotopia!