Possible Activist Events for BT2010
- 21 May - 5 June, Solidarity bikeride making links between communities resisting fossil-fuel extraction, from Merthyr, Wales to Rossport, Ireland. [1] --> Maybe this could even link up with the ecotopia biketour ?!?!?!?!
- 12th June Naked bikeride, London, England [2]
- 19th June Naked Bikeride, Brussels, Belgium (to be confirmed)
- June (exact dates tbc) - UK National Climate Camp Gathering, probably in Leeds
- 21-25 June - Interference art/activism event being organised by Mark, London, England
- 23rd June - 24th August: Baltic Sea Info Tour, Nuclear Heritage [3] to raise awareness aginast radioactive polution of the baltic sea
- 25th June Critical Mass, London, England
- 26-27 June - Exmouth Exodus - SW England equivalent of Dunwich Dynamo (see below) [4]
- 28 June - 1 July Towards Carfree Cities Conference IX - York, England
- 2nd July - 28th Aug Otesha project starts cycling, Lands End, Cornwall, England
- 2-7 July - Tour de Elbe, international CZ-D ride from Decin /CZ/ to Magdeburg /D/ to promote Elberadweg
- 3-4 July - EuroVeloGex [5] followed by a 3-days cycling 5-7th July.
- 4-5 July - bikes not cars festival Amsterdam www.bikesnotcars.wordpress.com
- 1-4 July 2010 "Velorution Universelle" a big critical mass in Paris, France [6]
- 3-12 July 2010 "Jungle Tour" an activist bike ride from Arras, via Calais & Dunkerque to Lille.
- 3 July - 15 August "AlterTour" tour-de-france for a non-doped planet, France [7]
- 1-6 july 2010 YOUPEC Geel, Antwerp, Belgium
- 8-11 July FOIBOS greenways conference, Budapest, Hungary
- 22nd July - 1st August Camp Action Climat (french climate camp [8]) near Le Havre, France.
- 23-25 July The Big Tent, Falkland, Fife, Scotland
- 25 July - 7 August - Tour de Natur (cycling tour middle of germany) www.tourdenatur.net
- 23-27 July Peace News Summer Camp, Oxfordshire, England [9]
- 24-25 July Dunwich Dynamo, London-Suffolk (east coast), England - 190km overnight bike ride, not really an activist event, but one of the biggest mass participation, not-sport, bike events in the UK [10]
- 25. july - 01. aug. Sieben Linden Sommercamp 2010
- 29th July - 4 Aug - Belgium Climate Camp, location unknown yet [11]
- 30th July - Critical Mass, London (& Brighton England)
- 1-21st August -Ecotopia, Flaeming, Germany [12]
- 4-9 August – Earth First! Summer Camp, Derbyshire, UK [13]
- 14th August - Oostende, Belgium. Climate event: film making, political panel discussions and arts.
- 20th-22nd August - Nethen, Belgium (30 km from Brussels) Permaculture festival [www.festivalpermaculture.be]
- 21st-29th August - Klima Camp, Erklenz, Germany [http:/www.klimacamp2010.de]
- 30. August - Pedal Power Day at Freestate Swomp Amsterdam http://swomp.wordpress.com/2009/08/22/pedal-power-dag-zondag-30-augustus/#more-920
- 27th september - 5th of october No borders camp, brussels. Probably interesting for people who want to travel on after BT.
- ongoing: Rossport Shell to Sea solidarity camp, Ireland [14]
- ongoing: (right now, at least!) Mainshill Solidarity Camp, southern scotland [15]
- ongoing: Major environmental in countries like Ukraine !
Dates not set yet:
- YFoEE Summer Camp, probably early August, Poland
- Reclaim the Fields [16] maybe Hungary, maybe Germany or Poland (near the border)..
- Peasant's activist camp in Brittany, France