2013 Text that needs translating
Please email us if you can help with translation. info@ecotopiabiketour.net
Or get started with the text below>>>>>>>>>>
Ecotopia Biketour Mailing List
Hey Biketour Compas !!
Here are a few updates:::::::::>>>>>>>>>>
1) Route update...
2) Funding Update
3) Calling all translators
4) Call for Artists & poets
5) About this list and other ways to get involved!
Contact: info@ecotopiabiketour.net.
Please feel free to forward this email to others you think may be interested.
Route update:
A few concrete things are:
Will begin in (or near to) Berlin! Our kick off days are likely to be the weekend of the 12th July We will pass through Vienna in late July / early August The route could then EITHER curve slightly west from Vienna to the adriatic coast [...] OR curve east to Romania Something like: Berlin / German Polish Border / Czech republic / Vienna / Slovakia Hungary Border / Hungary / Novi Sad / Serbia / Romania We are trying to incorporate a little bit of the Danube and the Iron Curtain Trial
We are still open for suggestions of groups, projects, actions and communities to join, that are related in some way to this years theme of ‘Borders’, 'Global Justice', ' or just a really amazing place/project that could do with a hand or we could offer relevant skills share...
Check out the Route page of the wiki for projects that we are already aware of....or at least the public ones ;) ....we obviously cannot possible visit them all - but still wanted to share this resource... made by you!
For more sensitive suggestions please email us and state if you would prefer them to be kept off the wiki / website / public map, and out of the web.
If you would like to help with the route planning get in touch!