Cataluña route07

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  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Catalan number: +34 635 476 815
Coordinators are Marcos A. García (Amics de la Bici)

begin - Sofia date...?

  • Ideas:

Sleeping places

3 days Sofia - 0 km

day 1 arrival day

(write here ideas)

day 2 & 3

(write here ideas)

  • Bike reparing workshop
    • action?

  • SLEEP:
    • How to get there:
  • FOOD:
  • Ideas:

  • Media contacts:

(soon more on 2008)

4 June (monday) Barcelona -> Parc S.Llorenc del munt - 52 km (CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: 2 possibilities
    1. From CanMasdeu - people who sleep in Can Masdeu
    2. From Parc del Forum - going together with bunch of people of Amics de la Bici, because it's an holiday!
      • We meet at Ripollet, from where we cycle together to Sabadell, Matadepera and Sant Llorenç del Munt.
  • SLEEP: Les Refardes. Old country house. Under restauration.
    • there are friends of CanMasdeu here
5 June (tuesday) Parc S.Llorenc del munt -> Manresa - 30 km (idea)
6 June (wednesday) Manresa -> Suró - 50 km (idea)
  • ROUTE: Manresa - Igualada - Suró (see detail map)
  • SLEEP: A farmer of Assemblea Pagesa offer us to encamp in his estate, in the village of Suró, approximately 15 km from Cervera
7 June (thursday) Suró -> Balaguer [2] - 65 km (idea)
  • ROUTE: Suró - Cervera - 15 Km
  • medieval village Cervera

Cervera - Balaguer - 50 Km (see detail map)

  • SLEEP: farm - sindicato agrario
8 June (friday) Rest day in Balaguer - 0 Km
  • SLEEP: farm - sindicato agrario
9 June (saturday) Balaguer -> Lleida - 30 km 
  • ROUTE: By secondary road, passing Menàrguens, Torrelameu, Corbins. (see detail map)

Two options

    • Option 1- attending the worldwide naked critical mass of Zaragoza

Lleida-Zaragoza by train (05657 REGIONAL EXPRES leave 15:00 / arrive 17:20)

Zaragoza - 09 June Ciclonudista

    • Option 2- participating in a anti-GMO demonstration (the most important in Catalunya)

Preparation for the manifestation on 10th june in Lleida.

  • SLEEP: