Route 2012

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Brainstorming Map

Here there is a googlemap to share interesting projects/places/actions/camps/etc that you might think biketour could visit this year:

planning - rough maps/distances

Barcelona -> Cerbere (250 km - 5 days) Cerbere -> Narbonne (120 km - 2 days) Narbonne -> Montpelier (110 km - 2 days) Montpelier -> Nimes -> Marseille (190 km - 4 days) Marseille -> Nice (230 km - 5 days) Nice -> Torino (300km - 6 days) Torino -> Milan (150km -3 days) Milan -> Bologna (250km - 5 days) Bologna -> Venezia (180km - 4 days)

Rough date ranges

This is a first attempt at creating date ranges for the route. These dates will change a lot!!!

The first date is the earliest, the second is the the upper limit, with lots of flexibility in the middle.

Barcelona 6th July -15th July Cerbère 14th July -25th July Narbonne 19th July -2nd August Montpelier 23th July -7th August Marseille 31st July -12th August Nice 10th August -21st August Torino 21st August -31st Ausust Milan 27th August -4th September Bologna 7th September -12th September Venice 15th September -19th September

The section from Marseille to Torino could take longer

Start details (brainstorming)

5th July Food not bombs 6th July action? 6th July Start critical mass on Skipping tour of Barcelona 7/8th Weekend Workshop on Can Masdeu? 8th Work day in Can Masdeu 9th Leave Barcelona

Route Proposal with groups/actions

The EV8 (EuroVelo Route 8) should be followed and we can make deviations from it to visit some projects and places: informaton on EuroVelo

Catalunya Indignados 29th March Demo, public sector, housing, cuts, Degrowth group of indignados Fishing issues - Lydia Iago - Artists of Catalunya

Ecologistas - Annalies to send projects, anti EuroVegas 17 billion euros budget, ghost towns

Girona - contact Guillem MAT - Mucha Alta Tension (all around) near Girona there was a group but it was evicted

Ghost tourist towns - development stopped


Cerbere Can Decreix

Action against the TGV being finished - fast to Barcelona instead of the small Cerbere line.


Port-la nouvelle (to Sete is a pretty path) No palm group who are anti-industrial group We could do an action here

Narbonne A city and Francois has contacts

Beziers People live on boats



(From Cerbere to Aige Marts it's easy on bikes along the coast and it gets really busy, also Francois has lots of contacts)

Montpellier Francois contact

sommieres contact from F(hilly area)

Cevennes national park is really hilly

Avignon (pretty) No car group and a contact

Marseille Water financialisation

La Crau There is a longo Mai

It's really important to study how to do this area (Euro Velo 8) Aix en provence area to Nice - Very important to Check


just a rough google map to have a distance idea:,+France+to:Marseille,+France+to:Draguignan,+France+to:Turin,+Italy+to:Bologna,+Italy+to:Venice,+Italy&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=43.34116,7.492676&spn=6.80715,14.128418&sll=43.29307,6.75822&sspn=6.812512,14.128418&geocode=FY2HdwIdPxwhACn1KO0mcZikEjEwA6Qh4PoABA%3BFQWZhwIdM0owACm3eZ2Skn66EjEgbWcWIYgHBA%3BFeKmlAIdtO9RACkzU9pEQ7_JEjEgApf9pRkIBA%3BFT9VmAId4aViACmX3glziavOEjGgzY_9pRkIBA%3BFQS6rwId9EB1ACnfXO3DDG2IRzHglDxHfeYFBA%3BFW7tpgIdViKtACmVmy6-m9R_RzFBOWB2eDJt3A%3BFeBFtQIdYEa8ACkfb1JTCq9-RzGwX5EVhwkHBA&oq=Ven&dirflg=w&mra=ls&t=m&z=6