Booklet/Introduction 2016
Welcome to the 26th Ecotopia Biketour!
This booklet is meant to give you an overview about how the Biketour works and where we will go this year, and to provide you with some knowledge that might be useful on the way. Please be aware that this booklet has been put together by individuals who have different perspective and opinions on different things, so most of the things that are written here (apart from the Participation Guidelines) are just ideas how things could potentially be done, but it is up to the participants of the tour to decide about any structures or rules together.
Phone numbers
EU (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
Scouts: +49 1578 4844802
Tail: +49 1578 4844873
Emergency: 112
Scouts: +375 __________
Tail: +375 __________
Police: 102
Ambulance: 103
Fire Brigade: 112
In Belarus, the international call prefix is 810 instead of 00 (so Germany has 81049 instead of 0049). It is better to use the + (+49), which works everywhere.
The EU scout phone number will also be reachable in Belarus, but it will be expensive to receive calls. Rather send text messages.