Meeting minutes/January 16 2010 theme discussion

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  • Mark: theme proposals i have heard: nuclear, climate justice, any more?
  • [6:12:14 PM] moritz: there was a early one made by jan: traffic
  • [6:12:28 PM] Daka : 2010 is official year of biodiversity, maybe could be helpful to include it somehow, thinking about extra funding
  • [6:12:35 PM] Laura: i'd just like to highlight that nuclear fits into climate justice, so it would be part of the broader them of climate justice ! :)
  • [6:12:41 PM] Mark: agree
  • [6:13:04 PM] joao: @laura: what a "snap"?
  • [6:13:06 PM] Mark: i actually think that a real focus on climate justice would be a great theme - really interesting way of talking about climate change, really important
  • [6:13:06 PM] Laura: but your'e right ;)
  • [6:13:21 PM] Laura : snap = click your fingers = immediate
  • [6:13:43 PM] Daka: I agree about climate change theme, but I would like to link it with some other
  • [6:13:50 PM] joao: climate justice is, as mark put it, the widest one in any case..
  • [6:13:56 PM] Laura: haha! i've never heard climate justice described as "interesting" before ...
  • [6:14:00 PM] Laura : :P
  • [6:14:08 PM] Daka: as it's too general, and it could be linked with nuclear, biodiversity, traffic, etc
  • [6:14:21 PM] Laura: can i clarify that i've learnt an AWFUL LOT about what 'climate justice' means,
  • [6:14:29 PM] Laura: and although i'll admit it's broad,
  • [6:15:05 PM] Daka: but to chose one angle, otherwise we could lose a focus
  • [6:15:39 PM] Laura: it does have a set stamp of idealogies, and actions to take, and ( love to give a workshop on it if you'd like :) )
  • [6:15:59 PM] Mark: i will definitely attend that workshop!
  • [6:16:10 PM] joao: @laura: great, i agree with it (being wide but clear problem...)
  • [6:16:31 PM] moritz: i also like the idea of having climate justice as a topic
  • [6:16:36 PM] Mark : maybe I was wrong to say that climate justice is wide - but i was thinking of dun
  • [6:16:40 PM] Mark: funding applications
  • [6:16:47 PM] Laura: i'm not suggesting in be a 'climate' biketour. by the way :P
  • [6:16:47 PM] Daka: ok, I like it too
  • [6:17:23 PM] Milan: What about the use renewable sources of energy ?.
  • [6:17:31 PM] Mark: one problem about climate justice as a theme for BT is that it is harder to find communities in Europe that are being affected by climate change
  • [6:17:33 PM] Daka: it will make it easier to connect BT will all sorts of action and projects on the route
  • [6:17:43 PM] Mark: but i think we can use our imagination and find some strong places to go
  • [6:17:50 PM] Mark: and connect the theme
  • [6:17:59 PM] Laura: climate justice is also quite a bit more specific than the whole revolution we need :P
  • [6:18:13 PM] Daka: I think renewables are more topic for eastern europe, than to UK, Germany...
  • [6:18:25 PM] Laura: @mark, not at all. europe's a f***ing awesome place to campaign for climate justice.
  • [6:19:09 PM] Laura: *sorry mark, i was saying that to your first comment, not your second ;)
  • [6:19:14 PM] moritz74998: iam not so much into the renewable energy thing, cause i have the feeling the whole discussion focus is on the techical sollution.. we dont have to change anything but the scientists will do it for us
  • [6:19:17 PM] Mark: i'm thinking about what people in copenhagen have told me, about meeting indigenous people from the global south
  • [6:19:46 PM] Mark: i would love to have that input into BT
  • [6:19:59 PM] Laura: **********agree*************** !!!!
  • [6:20:22 PM] Daka: agree
  • [6:20:37 PM] Laura: but i would like to take their voices with us, not necessarily bring them over for the bt ?
  • [6:20:44 PM] Mark: about renewables - it is still a big topic in the UK, things are not as good here as in germany
  • [6:20:51 PM] yo: i also like to link climate justice to practical stuff like recycling food, materials etc. Which suits perfeclty for BT
  • [6:20:55 PM] Mark : @laura - yes exactly
  • [6:21:10 PM] joao: @milan: for me renewble is another problem at the moemnt.... gree washing, making excuses for consuming more, etc...
  • [6:21:15 PM] Mark: maybe we can find a way to tell their stories where we travel etc.
  • [6:21:40 PM] Mark: @joao i really agree about the greenwashing problem, this is really really really big in the UK too
  • [6:21:42 PM] joao: green capitalist solution, that i don't think is what can solve the actual climate problem..
  • [6:21:46 PM] Mark: and maybe really big in france as well
  • [6:21:47 PM] Laura: i think UK's fucking awesome place as well to campaign for climate justice. People are pretty locked into 'business as usual' mindset.... and even the more radical/open-minded people i listen to still talk about 'what we can do within this system'.. bahhh
  • [6:21:59 PM] Milan: agree beacuse Nuclear Power Plants will not stop the climate change.
  • [6:22:23 PM] joao: we should focus on voluntary simplicity, on using less, on people self.organization....
  • [6:22:24 PM] Daka: seems we all agree
  • [6:22:29 PM] Mark: i'm getting really excited now
  • [6:22:40 PM] Daka: can we move on?
  • [6:22:42 PM] joao: etc... (i can go on, on reasons not to make it about renuables)
  • [6:22:48 PM] Laura: not to mention carbon trading !
  • [6:22:51 PM] Laura: all ideas by the way,
  • [6:22:59 PM] Laura: i think,
  • [6:23:19 PM] Laura: could be united in a set of principals we have that consumption matters..
  • [6:23:47 PM] Laura: it's lovely to hear such a good response to the topic too :)
  • [6:23:54 PM] Laura: i think it's timely !
  • [6:24:15 PM] Mark : okay let's move on then
  • [6:24:28 PM] Mark : sorry i mean - i'm ready to move on
  • [6:24:37 PM] moritz: me too#
  • [6:24:41 PM] joao: and conclusions about this is Theme: "Climate justice" or to discuss later on..
  • [6:24:43 PM] joao: i could not get it..
  • [6:24:56 PM] Milan : Hey guys we spent over two hours already. Should we continue tommorrow ?.
  • [6:25:29 PM] Daka: we have only topic on national coordinators, but we can't much conclude coz we don't know the route
  • [6:25:31 PM] yo: after theme there was only the topiz nc's left
  • [6:25:34 PM] joao: @milan: can we make a brief conclusion of this topic and present the remaining ones and decide later
  • [6:25:48 PM] joao: if we continue or not..
  • [6:25:53 PM] Mark: yes i'm happy to drop the NCs section
  • [6:26:12 PM] moritz: at least we could talk about ncs from the uk
  • [6:26:20 PM] Mark: we also had Funding on the agenda, but maybe we dropped that already
  • [6:26:32 PM] Laura: this also connects back to ecotopia - that if we were riding for climate justice, then to get to a 3-week camp where people probably won't know what it is, might be a great chance to educate everyone, but we would kinda just be preaching to the converted, and i know for instance that the french climate camp would be climate justice message + big action + international
  • [6:26:37 PM] joao: the other topics would be: NC and alternative funding
  • [6:26:49 PM] joao: but i didn't understand last topic conclusions..
  • [6:27:21 PM] yo: I think we just did brainstorm on thermes
  • [6:27:48 PM] Laura: we don't have to talk about NCs or other funding now, if people would rather leave (i'm actually fine to keep going!!)
  • [6:27:59 PM] yo: and we can continue thinking about it, would be cool if someone, laura did u make notes?, can write all this ideas on wiki
  • [6:28:16 PM] Laura: euhhh.. action points?
  • [6:28:18 PM] Laura : :P
  • [6:28:18 PM] Mark : i can keep going for more time, don't want to make anybody else do it if they want to leave
  • [6:28:31 PM] Daka: funding could depend a lot on theme and concept of BT
  • [6:28:47 PM] moritz: i have some time left. half hour more?
  • [6:28:48 PM] Laura : coming back to wintermeeting: joao, would you be able to make it to one/want to ?
  • [6:29:33 PM] joao: yes...i put it on the doodle already...
  • [6:29:48 PM] joao: but it really depends on place and hitchhiking opurtunities..
  • [6:29:50 PM] Laura : aha, now it see it ;)
  • [6:29:56 PM] yo: i would like to finish the last topics and take max half hour extra as moritz proposed
  • [6:30:00 PM] Laura : great
  • [6:30:03 PM] Laura : yep, 30 mins more !
  • [6:30:06 PM] joao: so i prefer not to be count on to it...but more a "if i appear even better"
  • [6:30:28 PM] Laura : haha sure
  • [6:30:29 PM] yo: :D
  • [6:30:42 PM] joao: NC=
  • [6:30:52 PM] yo: national coordinators
  • [6:30:53 PM] moritz: national coordinator
  • [6:31:36 PM] moritz: there was the wish to find a conclusion for the topic discussion
  • [6:32:12 PM] joao: yes...i still have that wish...
  • [6:32:18 PM] joao: or at least to clarify it..
  • [6:32:27 PM] moritz: i think the conlusion is that we are all would like the idea of having climate justice as the topic for bt
  • [6:32:35 PM] yo: can we write down all the ideas shortly on the wiki and keep it open for more ideas? maybe ask on the lists for imput from others on this?
  • [6:32:38 PM] moritz: and that we can go on with this discussion on the list
  • [6:32:56 PM] joao: @yo:agree, but can't do it....anyone?
  • [6:32:59 PM] moritz: i agree we should restart the wiki
  • [6:33:13 PM] yo: can do it
  • [6:33:48 PM] Mark: i agree about putting stuff on the wiki - i think i can do it