Tasks 2016

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Tasks 2016


  • finding more projects in proposed area (poland, belarus, latvia, lithuania, estonia)
  • contacting projects from the online map once the template is created. If you contact anyone, mark it with the right marker on the map so that everyone can see who’s been contacted


  • researching info about visas for Russia and Belarus, esp. cost -> Michal, Bet, Ola
  • contacting people in Belarus to ask about how visas work. -> Charlie, with Danielo providing contacts


  • researching best routes in the Baltic States (researching cycle routes, road types, popular routes) -> Michal


  • funding: first try Lush -> Johanna and Danielo
  • if lush doesnt work for some reason, apply to Alert -> Ola and Johanna


  • keeping finance/spending records up to date


  • research into how to become and association - the process in each country so we can decide where is best/easiest/accessible
  • research alternatives to bank accounts
  • open bank account (if that is the best option)


  • We need a third trailer. research into building our own, lending or buying one. -> Michal, Leo
  • buy a new cooking pot
  • find a storage space in Warsaw
  • call out for someone to take the current equipments between Tallinn and Warszawa (or to Berlin, Copenhagen, Prague, Bratislava) preferably for free (if by May this is not done, will look into blablacar or other paying ways to move equipment)
  • slowly gather/find equipment we don't currently have/need
  • find and buy new pins for trailer attatchment


  • call out for previous years video footage for possibly making newer promotional video
  • find out prices for printing flyers and stickers /stickers are done
  • someone can design new artwork if they have motivation, otherwise we modify old one with new dates and routes and base promotional material on this
  • find contacts/places/online places to contact to advertise tour, put on wiki page 'contacts' /bewelcome,couchsurfing,warmshowers are done. events or similar things are created.
  • find Belarussian, Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian translators for parts of our website and the brochure - see link here
  • sending off flyers and posters, making advertising posts online for bike tour
  • announce final dates and route on social media and website


  • re-writing parts of the participation guidelines


  • decide on sections -> Michal
  • put on the wiki -> Michal
  • write content
  • print


  • do research into our proposed theme in the Baltic states (see trashwiki! for example http://trashwiki.org/en/Lithuania for example I found: Every last Saturday of the month Food not bombs event takes place at "Reformatų" square in Vilnius. Part of the food distributed during the event comes from dumpsters.)
  • think of potential actions/awareness raising around our theme
  • announce theme on website
  • create a "title", one propose was "out of trash"


  • check dumpster diving in the Baltic States - how easy is it? which shops are best?
  • researching local farmers as food sources
  • research: supporting local farmers in the Baltic States, dealing with recycling (to be included in the booklet)
  • write new policy for adding people to the BT organisation email list