Winter Meeting 2016 Agenda

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Friday Feb 19

coming to the meeting, talking about the agenda for the following days

Saturday Feb 20 + Sunday Feb 21

discussing, deciding - as many people as possible should come for this.

  • Look at the feedback from the last years (Category:Evaluation) -> Ola
  • Theme > Johanna
  • Rough route: Start in the north or in the south, go to Belarus or Russia? In how much detail an how to prepare the route? -> Michal
  • General discussion about the Biketour values. What do they mean to us, is there anything that should be changed? Do we need any additional structures on the tour to avoid conflicts about the values like we had them in the last years? Do we need to be more specific about some of the values? For example about food, where to get it?
  • Booklet: Come up with a list of chapters that should be in the booklet. Copy texts from old booklets. -> Candid
  • Daily routine, general schedule, how many rest days, how many kilometers per day, organising work and action days -> Ola
  • How to become a political activist tour again?
  • How to organise in the future? Is the approach of an open group working or do we need coordinators again?
  • Funding > Johanna
  • Artwork / How to advertise, how to get local people involved. Send flyers by post? Stickers?.>.Leo
  • Finances. How much do we have, how much did we spend in 2015? Two people should still have some leftovers from the tour. We need to get a bank account. -> Candid
  • Equipment. What do we have and what do we need? Let's talk about it now so that we can start finding the stuff and don't have to buy it. We fucked up bringing the LRK trailer back on time, alternatives next time? -> Candid
  • A DIY built Ecotopia Biketour trailer -> Michal
  • What will happen until the tour? Another meeting? Regular Skype meetings? Etc.

Monday Feb 22 + Tuesday Feb 23

doing practical work (e.g. finalizing flyers, deciding on the route, assessing equipment, etc.), creating a bike tour booklet – zine with information, how things are organised, how tasks are done, how the tour is prepared - can be a smaller team of people

Knowledge that should be prepared beforehand