Winter Meeting 2016 Venues

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Possible venues

  • KuBiZ Wallenberg (probably Tagungswerk KuBiZ: It’s inside Berlin, maybe 20 minutes by public transport from the centre. This is where the Winter Meeting happened in 2013 as far as I know. I have contacted them, but they haven’t responded yet. -> Candid
  • Tagungshaus Wernsdorf ( A participant of the Biketours 2013 and 2015 lives there. It's in the south of Berlin, about 45 to 60 min from the centre. Unfortunately, we would probably have to pay a fixed price for it. The official price is 13 € per person per night, which would be 390 € if we stay from Friday to Monday with 10 people. We could probably manage to get a discount of 50%, but it's still a lot of money. -> Candid
  • Kesselberg ( A formally squatted and now bought piece of forest outside of Berlin (about 45 to 60 min from the centre) where about 100 people live. Apparently they have a seminar room. Didn't contact them yet. -> Candid
  • Quecke (, about one hour by train north-east of Berlin. I've never been there, but people say that it's a very nice place. I guess the disadvantage is that it's really far out, so people who might join spontaneously from Berlin might not want to go. Haven’t contacted them yet. -> Candid


  • Chuzpe plietsch charlie contacted sunday 14 feb. no reply yet. update 16 feb - still no reply.

  • ZK/U ( Center for Art and Urbanistics, the former railway depot. They offer a ‘living & work space’ mainly for artists but it was recommended by someone from Berlin as a possible place. They responded positively but it would be too costly as what they normally charge for a seminar room, kitchen and guarding/question person is 750 EUR -> Michal
  • ufafabrik ( a cultural center which supports sustainable projects, I've asked them for a seminar place, it's probably paid -> Michal
  • Brauni, Rauchhaus, Zuhause -> Candid

E-Mail template

Seminar room Sat&Sun Feb 20&21


We are the Ecotopia Biketour, a political and environmental bicycle tour that has cycled through different countries in Europe every summer during the last 25 years. On the way we visit different social and ecological propjects and groups. There is more information about us on

We are looking for a room to host our Winter Meeting in Berlin next week-end, where we will make important decisions about the tour next summer and will start the preparation process.

We need a room where we can discuss, cook some food during the day, and ideally with an internet connections so that people can join over Skype. If it is possible, it would be ideal if we could also sleep in the place (which means we would arrive on Friday evening and leave on Monday morning), but this is not a must.

Do you have space to host us during those days?

Greetings from the Ecotopia Biketour Collective

Raum für ein Treffen dieses Wochenende


ich bin in letzter Minute auf der Suche nach einem Raum für ein Treffen der Ecotopia Biketour.

Die Ecotopia Biketour ist eine politische und ökologische Fahrradtour, die seit 25 Jahren jeden Sommer durch unterschiedliche Länder in Europa fährt und auf dem Weg verschiedene soziale und ökologische Projekte und Gruppen besucht. Mehr steht auf

Jeden Winter findet ein mehrtägiges Treffen statt, um wichtige Entscheidungen über die nächste Tour zu treffen und die Vorbereitung zu starten. Das Treffen findet nächstes Wochenende, am 20. und 21. Februar statt.

Wir suchen nach einem Raum, wo wir tagsüber diskutieren können. Wir brauchen Strom und wenn möglich eine Möglichkeit zu kochen. Falls es möglich ist, wäre es umso besser für uns, wenn wir in dem Raum auch schlafen könnten (in dem Fall würden wir von Freitagabend bis Montagmorgen bleiben, Matratzen etc. können wir selber mitbringen), das ist aber kein Muss.

Gibt es bei euch vielleicht Platz für sowas?

Viele Grüße vom Ecotopia-Biketour-Kollektiv