Route 2009

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Revision as of 10:15, 12 June 2009 by Eiland (talk | contribs) (→‎Serbia)
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DRAFT ROUTE PROPOSAL! dates, places and activities can still change a bit. Big cities are easiest to start joining biketour: Belgrade, Skopje, Ohrid (Struga), Durres (as we are there a few days and only one afternoon in Tirana), Podgorica, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Zagreb. Of course you can be adventurous and join us from other places - but please let us know in advance.


  • 5 July Belgrade
BT Welcome meeting
preparation of event of next day
  • 6 July Belgrade
Critical Mass through Belgrade center
take a train to Skopje [1]
Nb. we initially planned to start BT in Skopje. But as we thought that many participants will come over Belgrade, we planned to facilitate the transport BG-Skopje, by trying to get a train together. This we then also can present as campaign to promote bike transport per train. After that (...) we also thought to add an action in Belgrade on the lack of integrated transport policy. However, our initial plan was just to facilitate the transport to Skopje.
Conclusion: we don't have money for this train trip. If you are coming from the south of Serbia, maybe its smarter to head/stay in Skopje and join the biketour there, instead of going to Belgrade, and immediately take the train back to Skopje. But of course you are welcome ni Belgrade, we love to have you, just then be ready for some expenses for yourself.


  • 7 July Skopje
    BT participants arrive by train.
    Event on new rent-a-bike system in Skopje
    Ride to sleeping place near Katlanovo, in tents or perhaps in school building in Skopje.
  • 8 July Veles
    Ride to Veles.
    Event on the smelter [2]
    Sleep over near Veles (Mlados Lake?).
  • 9 July Smokvica – t.b.c.
    Take a train/bus to Smokvica.
    Event on the building of the highway and the destruction of the IBA.
    Return with a train/bus to Veles.
  • 10 July
Ride to Teovo (only 35km)
Ride to sleeping place in Teovo (either in Monastery, Scout camp or unused school)
  • 11 July
Ride to Debreste (only 35km)
Visit of the conservation project of water buffaloes (
Sleeping place t.b.d.
  • 12 July
Ride to Bitola
Sleeping place t.b.d.
  • 13 July Bitola
Bike parade in Bitola center towards the new Info and Educations Centre on sustainability "Volvox" which offers projects on renewable energies (
Sleeping place t.b.d.
  • 14 July
Ride to & swim in Prespa Lake (Oteševo or further)
Sleeping place t.b.d.
  • 15 July Struga (Vevcani)
    Ride to Struga.
    sleep over at Krste Jon scouts in Struga or etno village Vevcani

Albania [3]

Route suggestion: Via Ignatia, [4], [5], hint from SNV Balkans in Tirana.
  • 16 July
Ride to around Librazhd
Sleeping place t.b.d.
  • 17 July
Ride to Elbasani (less then 25km from Librazhd)
action on chrome and iron smelter (t.b.c.) together with local groups
  • 18 JulyPrëze
Ride to Rrogozhinë
  • 19 July
Ride to Dürres
film screening about Vlora Industrial & Energy park in city centre (inviting people to join action next day)
  • 20 July
public awareness activity on Energy Park plans at Porto Romano harbour of Dürres (info:
if possible: film screening at the touristic beach
  • 21 July
Resting day at Dürres
  • 22 July
Ride to Prëze (35 km)
activity with communities with whom the Permaculture Ass. of Prëze works with within the Green Agenda project (
  • 23 July
visit to Tirana (by bus back&forth from Prëze??)
event in Tirana: film screening?, public action on transport & bike use together with local groups? tbc
sleeping at Prëze
  • 24 July
Ride to Kuje (only 12 km)
Action on the Fushë cement factory (4 years in operatin) and the Antea cement factory (planned for 2010) i.a.w. Eden (
Sleeping place t.b.d.
  • 25 July
Ride to Lezhe
Sleeping place t.b.d.
  • 26 July
Ride to Shkodër
  • 27 July
Action (on NPP plans) or activity (on sustainable energies) in Shkoder together with local groups


  • 28th of July
cycle 23 km Shkoder- Vladimir + 19km Vladimir-Ostros (difficult climb, possible? to be confirmed)
camp there
  • 29th of July
cycle 42 km Ostros - Rijeka Crnojevica
camp with FORUM-MNE int. camp/volunteers (to be confirmed)
  • 30th of July
action in morning? (to be confirmed)
cycle in afternoon 30 km to Podgorica
introduction of country/events/bike action next day
cycle to camp place, 5 km above city
  • 31st of July
joined action in Podgorica with Green Home on airquality and transport in the city
(we can help prepare in morning)
camp 5 km above city
  • 01st of August
cycle to Nikšič (& put tents 5 km above city)
  • 02nd of August
activity in Nikšič? (to be confirmed)
  • 03rd-4th of August
cycle by passing Žabljak and Pluzine (details to be confirmed)
  • 05th of August
cycle to border (details to be confirmed)


  • Ščepan Polje
  • Foča/Srbnije
  • Trnovo
  • Sarajevo -- 09/08/09
  • Visoko
  • Kiseljak
  • Zenica
  • Travnik
  • Skender Vakuf
  • Banja Luka -- 16/08/09
  • Omarska
  • Prijedor


  • Hrvatska Dubica
  • Sisak
  • Zagreb -- 25/08/09
  • Jagnjedovec -- 28/08/09 - arrival at MuM camp - END OF BIKETOUR 2009!

See it on google map (1st version) to satisfy the geek in yourself.