Bulgaria route08

From Ecotopia Biketour Wiki
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  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Serbian number:
Coordinators are ?

begin - Sofia 2 july

  • Ideas:

Sleeping places

date (?) place - 0 km
  1. 1
    • 1.
      • 1..
    • 1.
      • 1..
  2. 2
    • 2.
      • 2..
        • 2...

  • SLEEP: ?
    • ?
    • How to get there:
      • ?
  • FOOD: ?
  • Ideas:
    • ?
  • Media contacts:
    • ?
date (monday) place -> texttoshow - ? km (CONFIRMED?)
  • ROUTE: 2 possibilities
    1. From
    2. From
      • 2
  • SLEEP: ?