Route 2007

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Revision as of 17:05, 6 July 2011 by Brounieboo (talk | contribs) (→‎START - Barcelona 01 June)
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 All the dates are provisional!!!
plese contribute to this page by editing it here OR by commenting at our mailing lists
  • There is a page with Maps and info on how to use them
  • This page works a sketch for the webpage content at the website where there will be maps
    • You should check the maps and its legend Route spreadsheet with dates and km's calculations (hosted at google)
  • there's a backup version

START - Barcelona 01 June



  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Catalan number: +34 635 476 815
Coordinators are Marcos A. García (Amics de la Bici)

begin - Barcelona 01 June

  • Ideas:

Sleeping places

1 June to 3 June (friday to sunday) Barcelona - 0 km
  1. Friday
    • Preparing for critical mass (ideas)
      • (write here ideas)
    • Critical mass at afternoon
      • (write here ideas)
  2. Saturday
    • Bike reparing workshop at Biciosxs (photos)
      • The idea is to have some bikes "built" from several parts, and then rest tuned for the tour
        • "yo creo que para construir un par de bicis en biciosos, no problem. tambien la gente puede venir a hacer el arreglo de su bicicleta antes de marcharse. si faltan piezas o herramientas se puede utlilizar tambien el taller de can masdeu. he hablado con la gente del taller que si hay alguna idea mas, muy bien. quizas se puede participar en la masa critica, pero la verdad es que en barcelona las ultimas veces hemos tenido problema con la policia y se ha cortado un poco el rollo." - Claudio
        • Translation: "I believe that in order to construct a pair of bikes [help with slang, please: biciosos?] it's no problem. Also, people can come to make the arrangements for their bike before leaving. If you don't have pieces or tools you can also use Can Masdue's workshop. I have spoken with the people at the workshop that if there's another idea, all good and well. Perhaps it's possible to participate in the Critical Mass, but in all honesty in Barcelona, the last couple of times we've have problems with the police and it's cut down on the participation a little bit."
      • (write here more ideas)
  3. Sunday
    • Intro and Workshops at CanMasdeu [1]
    • There's a workshop about "STRAW BALE BUILDING" - Check their programme online
    • (write here more ideas)
  • SLEEP: The 3 nights, camping at CanMasdeu. Nevertheless, people are worried with the shortage of water. We should be aware from the very start of biketour that it's crucial to use the least as possible.
    • They won't charge for the space, but would appreciate that we would buy their meals
    • How to get there:
      • There's a map at their site.
      • CanMasDeu: Cami antic de Sant Llatzer. Fix phone: 934452479 Take the Metro L3 (Green line) till Canyelle, it is one of the end stations. There are two exit: one leads to Via Favencia (next to the elevator), the other one to Federico Garcia Lorca. Take Via Favencia. You will find yourself ext to a big highway like street. Go up till the big roundabout called Plaza de Karl Marx, than go to the right after the school and children hospital (after two streetlights, big gate and bus stop), then go up the narrow street along the brick walls and then turn right again. The park starts there, there is a path with a chain to prevent cars coming in, and a signal "Vall de CanMasDeu". Go up and there is CanMasDeu... on Sunday the bar is open, there is a gathering, so probably lots of people are going that way.
      • Travel info about Barcelona at Wikitravel
  • FOOD: Usually they DON'T sell their vegetables, but they are quite used to cook for big groups. Our group could support them by collaborating in cooking and paying 3€ per person. This is the normal every sunday, when they open for public.
4 June (monday) Barcelona -> Parc S.Llorenc del munt - 52 km (CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: 2 possibilities
    1. From CanMasdeu - people who sleep in Can Masdeu
    2. From Parc del Forum - going together with bunch of people of Amics de la Bici, because it's an holiday!
      • We meet at Ripollet, from where we cycle together to Sabadell, Matadepera and Sant Llorenç del Munt.
  • SLEEP: Les Refardes. Old country house. Under restauration.
    • there are friends of CanMasdeu here
5 June (tuesday) Parc S.Llorenc del munt -> Manresa - 30 km (idea)
6 June (wednesday) Manresa -> Suró - 50 km (idea)
  • ROUTE: Manresa - Igualada - Suró (see detail map)
  • SLEEP: A farmer of Assemblea Pagesa offer us to encamp in his estate, in the village of Suró, approximately 15 km from Cervera
7 June (thursday) Suró -> Balaguer [5] - 65 km (idea)
  • ROUTE: Suró - Cervera - 15 Km
  • medieval village Cervera

Cervera - Balaguer - 50 Km (see detail map)

  • SLEEP: farm - sindicato agrario
8 June (friday) Rest day in Balaguer - 0 Km
  • SLEEP: farm - sindicato agrario
9 June (saturday) Balaguer -> Lleida - 30 km 
  • ROUTE: By secondary road, passing Menàrguens, Torrelameu, Corbins. (see detail map)

Two options

    • Option 1- attending the worldwide naked critical mass of Zaragoza

Lleida-Zaragoza by train (05657 REGIONAL EXPRES leave 15:00 / arrive 17:20)

Zaragoza - 09 June Ciclonudista

    • Option 2- participating in a anti-GMO demonstration (the most important in Catalunya)

Preparation for the manifestation on 10th june in Lleida.

  • SLEEP:


  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Aragón number: +34
Coordinators are
    • ideas

Sleeping places

9 June (saturday) ? -> Huesca - ? km (idea)
  • SLEEP:
  • ROUTE:
10 June (sunrday) Huesca -> ? - ? km (idea)
  • Comunnities: Sollanilla , sase or sieso de Jaca
  • SLEEP:
  • ROUTE:
other places
  • Itoiz - Agoitz
    • solidarios com itoiz


  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Navarra number:

to get information where Biketour is on certain date, please contact Guillem in spanish and english (+34) 630206916

Coordinators are
  • Ideas:

Sleeping places

PLEASE NOTE that Biketour might stay at these places in Navarra, but dates are not known yet, so contact us on the road:

- Tafalla

- Estella

- Bigüezal

Accommodation possibility: There’s a group of people who are starting a very nice project in Bigüezal, close to ITOIZ dam. The couple who started it have lots of experience in DIY renewable energies. They are very happy to host BT at their place. You just have to contact ANTONIO on his email or mobile phone (+34) 635.86.58.55

Description: My name is Antonio, I live and participate in a self-sufficiency, renewable energies and ecological building project in Bigüezal (Navarra). This project was created by Carmen and Ińaki, who opened it to other people, so now we’re 7 or 8 of us in this “tribe”. All this is quite young, and now we’re building, but you can see little by little some huts, a wonderful garden and some more thingies. So we would like the Biketour to come here and we offer space. We would like to know when they would be here and for how long so that we can propose some activity.

How to get to Bigüezal: I’ve seen the route and would only have to turn off at YESA's damn (close to the limit between Navarra and Huesca-Aragón) going to SIGüES, CASTILLONUEVO and BIGÜEZAL, and from there they have to go through LUMBIER towards AOIZ (ITOIZ dam).

other places


  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Basque number: +34
Coordinators are
  • Ideas:
    • central atomica , 25th aniv of closure
    • sindicato agricultores contra trangenicos
      • Helen Groome
    • High speed train
      • Jon artetxe

Sleeping places

June 19 & June 20 (Tuesday&Wednesday) Leunda Berri
  • ROUTE: - Beizama
  • Sleeping place: Leunda Berri
    • Phoned Guillem and Ivan
June 21 (Thursday) Bilbao
  • ROUTE: train to Bilbao
    • Guillem got hurt and the gorup took the train
  • Sleeping place: Gaztetxe Kukutxa de Errekalde (Bilbao)
  • previous ROUTE: Beizama - Lekeitio - Playa de Laga
  • previous Sleeping place: In the great beach
June 22 (Friday) Bilbao
  • ROUTE: resting at Bilbao
  • Sleeping place: Gaztetxe Kukutxa de Errekalde (Bilbao)
  • Morning of 23: Leaving by Train from Bilbao:
    • Bilbao 13.02 -> Santander 15.58
    • Santader 16.10 -> Ribadesella 18.52
      • DAILY Train
      • Bilbao 13.02 - Santander 15.58
      • Santader 16.10 - Ribadesella 18.52
      • download schedules: Bilbao-Santander Santander-Oviedo
        • Marcos:
        • I think also the best option to arrive to Escanda in time is to take a train. I was looking for the possibilities, and there is a good combination with the FEVE train, that goes all along the Cantabric sea, from Bilbao to Santander, and from Santander to Asturias. You can consult the routes and timetable in From Bilbao to Santander there are 3 trains daily, and from Santander to Ribadesella, near Caravia (Asturias), the first stop Elena proposed, there are only two trains daily. One-way ticket price for this traject is 14,50 €, and bicycles are allowed on trains (depend on the kind of train, the time and the traject, between 3 and 12 bicycles). It will be good to know it before and to comunicate to the company.


Skipped by train :(


  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Asturian number: +34 630206916 (Guillem)
Coordinators are Elena from Escanda
  • Ideas:

Sleeping places

June 23 (Sunday) CARAVIA beach (confirmed)
  • ROUTE: Train from Bilbao:
    • Bilbao 13.02 -> Santander 15.58
    • Santader 16.10 -> Ribadesella 18.52
      • The info about the train should be seen more up under Bilbao
    • Then cycle 15km till Caravia (the beach is somewhere in between Villaviciosa and Ribadesella) I talked with Fran and he told me that it's the beach after vega.
  • On the 23th, it's a very magical night and some people are going to celebrate the solstice on a beach called CARAVIA. There will be a camping space, concerts, fire,... Biketour is welcome to stay there that night. That beach is somewhere in between Villaviciosa and Ribadesella (on the eastern coast of Asturias).
  • SLEEP: Caravia beach
    • How to get there: Please check map !
      • Text instructions: Go on National road (632), after passing pueblo Caravia, you should see the beach at your right after 3km.
  • Contact person: Fran (+34) 620.61.78.74
    • Fran will be unavailable 23rd (no network coverage), so contacts should be made before or from 24th afternoon.
June 24 (Monday) La Castańal (confirmed for 25 but re-confirmed to 24)
  • ROUTE: Caravia - La Castańal, around 50km
  • The village close to Nava called La Castańal. Hosts want to propose a workshop, perhaps on "world dancing", some other artistic stuff is possible. It is fine to cycle from Caravia to La Castańal.
  • SLEEP: La Castańal village/community
    • How to get there: Please check map !
      • Text instructions: Go till Nava, Then exit on road towards Bimenes (251). At Priandi cross the river and be aware of signs to La Castanal (that should be on the left side).
  • Contact person: Fran (+34) 620.61.78.74
    • Fran will be unavailable 23rd (no network coverage), so contacts should be made before or from 24th afternoon.
June 25 (Thursday) IXUXU, Soto de Rey, Oviedo area (probably cancelled)
  • ROUTE: Escanda - Ixuxu, 30km
    • Group will probably skip it and go directly to Escanda
  • Nice eco-farm in Asturias. There's space to camp. It's a very beautiful place with chestnut woods, horses, sheep,... There is a few people living there, and some more people living outside help out in the farm, or building the straw-bell house and yurts, ...
  • SLEEP: Ixuxu farm

Contact person from Ixuxu: Alicia, tel: (+34) 985.796.893

June 26 (Tuesday) ESCANDA, south of Pola de Lena area (confirmed)

Contact person from Escanda: Elena

June 27 (Wednesday) ESCANDA (confirmed)
  • rest day in Escanda
  • SLEEP: Escanda community

Cancelled places

before was: June 29 (Thursday) LIBELULA, Avilés (north) (confirmed and canceled by phone)
Susana says that she will visit Escanda and the group
  • ROUTE: Ixuxu - Libelula

(note: people here have been strongly recommending that you don't go south-west from Pola cos it's very steep, it's right through very high mountains. So, you might have to go back to the coastline to go towards Galicia.)

  • If u choose to come to Libelula, you can camp on a field next to Avilés (+/- 40 km from Oviedo). Susana is living close to there and she cultivates vegetables for the other people in her agroecological cooperative (called Libélula). She's extremely sweet and she can tell u a lot about the surroundings or the social networks in asturias.
  • SLEEP: agroecological cooperative Libelula

Contact person from Libelula: Susana (+34) 985.56.37.86

before was: June 30 (Friday) NAVIA (north-west of town Navia) (canceled by phone)
  • ROUTE: Libelula - Navia (Navia is some 70km from Avilés)
  • It's a zone where there's quite a nice bunch of people from very different backgrounds and ages. The couple who would host you on their field are

teachers and live in a very beautiful place above the sea. This group of people hosted the annual asturian ecologist "gathering" to protest against the massive plans of exporting water til the coastline for huge touristic plans (buildings and golf courses....). Unfortunately they don't really feel like doing another protest end of june, but I guess somebody from biketour could probably give them some ideas or encourage them...

  • SLEEP: the field at Navia

Contact person from Navia: Yolanda & Manolo, tel: (+34) 985.47.41.40


  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Galician number: +34
Coordinators are
  • Ideas:

Sleeping places

other places



  • click here ( Portugal ) for getting to a more detailed page with other informations. Including How to travel by train.
  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Portuguese number: +351964047001 (not working now! try +491636824001 )
Coordinators are Joao , Marcos , Alexandre
  • Ideas:

Detailed route


  • (human desertification)
    • Sabor river dam - fight against
    • Aldeia Ngo from region, that protects nature and promotes sustainable development
    • Deactivation of train lines in interior
July 03 (Tuesday) San Joao D'Arribas (confirmed)
  • ROUTE: From spain till Miranda do Douro and then North along Douro River for around 10km direction to Aldeia Nova. There you should go direction river.
    • Food should be bought in Miranda, because in the little villages it can be difficult to find a shop. They exist, but are very small and they don't guarantee that you will find enough. So better to stop in Miranda to buy food. (supermarket is closing at 8h).
  • DESCRIPTIONS: You are arriving from Torregamones (last village in spain before entering Portugal) in Miranda do Douro. Once in Portugal you go north and arrive in Aldeia Nova. Close to this village, there is a very nice spot where you can camp (it's called San Joao D'Arribas) and has a spectacular view over the Rio Douro.
  • SLEEP: San Joao D'Arribas - tents
  • CONTACT person: Joeri
July 04 (Wednesday) Atenor (confirmed)
  • ROUTE: San Joao D'Arribas - San Pedro da Silva - Atenor
    • From San Joao D'Arribas we go to Pena Branca where we can visit the center of A.E.P.G.A., where they have donkeys. After Pena Branca we go to Palancar (between Pena Branca and Malhaldas) where we can enjoy a bath in the rio Fresno. After we continue towards Malhaldas - Genisio - Vilar Seco - San Pedro da Silva. In San Pedro da Silva there is a nice parque de merendas where we can lunch. After we continue to Uva - Mora (can be difficult, we need to climb) - Teixeira - Atenor. In Atenor we can camp on another place of AEPGA, where there are also donkeys.
    • In the morning we go to Pena Branca, where we have breakfast and get an introduction to the donkeys. If you want, Joeri can stop in Miranda and buy some bread and milk, because Joeri will come by car (can't stay for the night with group). Once we had breakfast and introduction about the donkeys, we go to Palancar and take a bath. Then at Lunch, he will also find out if we can buy food at San Pedro da Silva.
    • Except for Aldeia Nova to Pena Branca, all roads are in asphalt and in good condition.
  • SLEEP: Atenor - tents
    • Once in Atenor, we can stay on the field of AEPGA. Joeri will ask to the local shop if she wants to open when you arrive. Joeri guess it won't be a problem. Joeri checks out if it is possible to cook inside, but is not sure about it.
  • CONTACT person: Joeri
July 05 (Thursday) Santo André (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 06 (Friday) Macedo de Cavaleiros (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 07 (Saturday) Amieiro (almost confirmed)
  • ROUTE: Cycle to Mirandela – take train (action) to Brunheda – cycle till Amieiro
    • We will have to find a sleeping place closer to Mirandela, so that Saturday morning we can cycle till station and get train at 16h . There we will present biketour and the “Civic movement for Tua’s trainline” to media and public. This will be a example of how this trainline can be used, instead of deactivating or flooding it with a new dam.
    • Arriving at Brunheda we will experience the beautiful valley, through the west margin. Will pass through Caldas de Carlão and Franzilhal till Amieiro.
  • DESCRIPTIONS: In these blogs there are pictures about area of Carlão, aswell as S. Lourenço and Carrazeda de Ansiães.
  • SLEEP: We will be probably be hosted on a field from the village, but final talks will be held this weekend and the village will decide their level of participation.
  • CONTACT person: Célia Quintas
July 08 (Sunday) Amieiro (almost confirmed)
  • ROUTE: Restday
    • This will be a day where we can go around by feet and explore the magic valley
  • SLEEP: It would be the same place. Waiting final confirmation from local authorities.
  • CONTACT person: Célia Quintas
July 09 (Monday) Foz Coa (planned)

till Coimbra


Serra da Estrela



July 10 (Tuesday) Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 11 (Wednesday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 12 (Thursday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 13 (Friday) Manteigas (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 14 (Saturday) Tábua (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 15 (Sunday) before Mira (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 16 (Monday) after Mira (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 17 (Tuesday) Coimbra (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • DESCRIPTIONS: Meet with local people from Critical Mass, at 18h on Largo da Portagem, near statue of Mata Frades - Massa Crítica extraordinária-Biketour 2007-Coimbra-17072007.
  • SLEEP: República Baco - Rua do Loureiro nº 60 (Alta de Coimbra - perto do Largo São Salvador, ao lado do Museu Nacional Machado Castro que fica em frente à Sé Nova)
  • CONTACT person: Diana - utupiar[at] - (00351)937267541
  • Suggestions for after:
July 18 (Wednesday) Coimbra (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?

till Lisboa



  • Mayor is pushing the use of bikes, and he himself uses it


  • Critical Mass event
  • Social center of Mouraria


  • Good but polemic Transportation policies are being implemented

July 19 (Thursday) Pedrogao Pequeno (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 20 (Friday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 21 (Saturday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 22 (Sunday) Dornes (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 23 (Monday) Tomar (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 24 (Tuesday) Santarém (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 25 (Wednesday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 26 (Thursday) Lisboa (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 27 (Friday) Lisboa (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 28 (Saturday) Lisboa (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?

after Lisboa


Sudoeste Alentejano


  • Most well known portuguese community

Centro de Convergência

  • Promoting dynamism and development of rural areas of Alentejo


July 29 (Sunday) Almada (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 30 (Monday) Sesimbra (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
July 31 (Tuesday) Troia (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
August 01 (Wednesday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
August 02 (Thursday) Tamera (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
August 03 (Friday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
August 04 (Saturday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
August 05 (Sunday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
August 06 (Monday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
August 07 (Tuesday) Alzejur (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?
August 08 (Wednesday) ? (planned)
  • ROUTE: ?
    • .
  • SLEEP: ?
  • CONTACT person: ?

other possible Sleeping places

other places

After ecotopia?

  • Idea of doing a route through the south till Tarifa, main point where the African immigrants arrive (dead or alive)
    • Something that has to be talked before and during Ecotopia
  • Biggest greenway (ecovias) being built in Portugal, east to west in the south, Algarve

END - (Ecotopia start ?) 04 August