Bulgaria route08

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Revision as of 13:37, 16 June 2008 by Joao (talk | contribs) (Updated info from OverviewII & some formatting fixes)
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  • Total distance: ? km
  • Official biketour Bulgarian number: 00359888159200
Coordinators are Yolanda and

begin - Sofia 2 July

  • Ideas:

Sleeping places

2 July,3 July&4 July (Wednesday,Thursday&Friday) Sofia - 0 km
  1. 1 Wednesday 2 July
    • Arrival day
      • (maybe here can be stated some useful info about how, where to meet up)
  2. 2 Thursday 3 July
    • Meeting and preparation day
      • workshops (add ideas here)
        • ...
  3. 3 Friday 4 July
    • Actionday
      • (add ideas for actions here)

  • SLEEP: ?
    • ?
    • How to get there:
      • ?
  • FOOD: ?
  • Ideas:
    • ?
  • Media contacts:
    • ?

5 July (Saturday) Ihtiman- ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:
    1. From
      • ?
  • SLEEP: ?
6 July (Sunday) before Velingrad- ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:
    1. From Ihtiman to Septemvri, train from Septemvri to ....
      • ?
  • SLEEP: ?
7 July & 8 July (Monday&Tuesday) Benglika- ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: 2 possibilities
    1. From ... to ...
    2. Rest day
      • ?
  • SLEEP: maybe 2 nights
  • Ideas: possible actionday on 8th of july
    • Rest/ actıon ın Benglika or cycle to Smolyan
9 July (Wednesday) Smolyan- ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: 2 possibilities
    1. From ... to ...
    2. Rest day
      • ?
  • SLEEP: maybe 2 nights
  • Ideas: Cycle or rest (depends on 8 July)
10 July (Thursday) Ardino- ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:
    1. From
      • ?
  • SLEEP: ?
11 July&12 July (Friday&Saturday) Krumovgrad- ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: 2 possibilities
    1. From ... to ...
      • ?
    2. Rest on 12th
      • ?
  • SLEEP: maybe 2 nights
  • Ideas: possible resting/activity day on 12th of july: meeting the local groups who protested succesfully against goldminingactivity in the area
13 July (Sunday) Madjarovo- ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE: 2 possibilities
    1. Cycle/rest (depends on 12 July)
    2. From ... to ...
      • ?
  • SLEEP: maybe 2 nights
  • Ideas: possible restingday
14 July&15 July (Monday&Tuesday) before Svilengrad- ? km (NOT CONFIRMED)
  • ROUTE:
    1. From ... to ...
      • ?
    2. Action
      • ?
  • SLEEP: ?
  • extra information on Bulgarian route: This is a rough sketch, resting days and actiondays can change.. More info on the planned actions and locations can be added!
