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==Welcome to the Ecotopedia - the wiki of the ecotopia biketour==
The '''Ecotopia Biketour Wiki''' (a.k.a. ''Ecotopedia'') is a place to store information that is mostly relevant to the people ''involved in the preparation'' of the Biketour.

Any content that is relevant to participants or the general public, for example official announcements about the route, the Biketour values, information about what is needed to participate, should be on the website instead.
*[[What bt is]]?
*[[Frequently asked questions]]
*How to [[join]]

===Organizing next biketour===
In some cases, the Wiki is also used for collaborative documents (for example to coordinate who is bringing what), but for this it is probably better to use [ EtherPad] or [ EtherCalc], as those don't require registration.
This is a self-organized tour!
No club, no ngo, no political party. Just some people following an idea - since 1993! In 2007 we will cycle [[Spain]] and [[Portugal]] - here are some ideas about the [[route]] and [[map]].<br>
Does this appeal to you? and do you want to do your share of bt-organizing?<br>
The best is you to come to the [[nextmeeting]], online or in real, to get an idea of the people and tasks, or browse through the [[meeting minutes]].
If you live next to it or know great places to visit, talk to [[Joao]]. We also compiled some texts about [[what bt is]] and how to [[organise biketour]] and collected some nice [[ideas]] about improving BT.<br>
Right now we are also working on the [[website]]. And where the hell is our [[stuff]]?<br>
You can also help us online, even if you do not live next to the route. We do need help with moving pages from our old wikis and websites - have a look down to archive - to this wiki. Also the [[website]] needs doing: writing, designing and creating an ez-publish template.

Everyone can (currently) read any page in this Wiki, and everyone can edit any page, but needs to register for that.
'''Please help''' with some of this:
* Brainstorm of [[ideas]] about improving BT
* Wiki organization
** take care of moving old texts to here
*** You can learn on [[How_to_edit_Wiki]] for contributing
** update this same list, maybe at this page [[Org Tasks]] ?
** Link this orphan pages:
** Collaborate on the [[route]] drafting
*** reading, writing and collaborating on the profiles of places to visit
* Translation
** Help translate by reading [[How to translate]]
* [[Website]]
** ez-publish knowledge welcomed
** Designers

More [[about the Wiki]]

==Last years tours==
==Ecotopia Biketour 2019==

*[ Route plan 2019]
[[diary 06]], [[booklet 06]], [[pressrelease06 eng]], [[outreachmail participants 06 eng]],
*[[Booklet 2019]]
[[traveltips to lithuania and poland]], [[short route description 06]], [[flyer06 eng]]
*[[:Category:Biketour 2019|All others]]

==Our IT Tools==

camp fire [[recipes]]
*[[Mumble setup |Mumble]]
*[[Chat|Mattermost (old chat)]]
*[[Using_our_communal_e-mail_account | Email]]
*[[Picture Gallery]]
*[[Dudel | Doodle]]
*[[Our mailing lists | Mailing Lists]]
*[[Wiki | This Wiki]]

[[texts about bt]] -  '''well this is intended to be a collection of all texts about bt we have here - but who knows if everyone thinks of mentioning her text here ?'''
==General Information==

the 2005 wiki - bosnia, serbia, romaina and moldova:
*[[:Category:IT]]: General discussion and information about IT tools
**[[:Category:IT Infrastructure]]: Instructions for using the IT tools that we use
*[[:Category:Food]]: Where to get food, how to prepare it
*[[:Category:Equipment]]: What we have, what we need, how to fix it
*[[:Category:Funding]]: Where to get money from to support the tour
*[[:Category:How to organize]]: Manuals how to organize a Biketour
*[[:Category:Description]]: Texts about what the Biketour is
*[[:Category:Travel Advice]]: Tips about visas, public transportation, cycling infrastructure
*[[:Category:Links]]: Links to interesting websites, films, books, zines

the 2004 wiki, quite some texts in czech and german:
==Former Biketours==

*[[:Category:Evaluation]]: Feedback, Evaluation or Reflection about former Biketours and their preparation.
AUTO TRANSLATION - please correct and delete this line!
*[[:Category:Callouts]]: Callouts for projects, coordinators, participants, equipment, translations, …
*[[:Category:Artwork]] ([[:Category:Flyers|Flyers]], [[:Category:Posters|Posters]], [[:Category:Booklets|Booklets]], [[:Category:Web artwork|Web artwork]], [[:Category:Stickers|Stickers]])
*[[:Category:Press]]: Biketour coverage in the media
*[[:Category:Meetings]]: Agendas and minutes from Autumn, Winter, and Spring Meetings
*[[:Category:Biketour 2017]], [[:Category:Biketour 2016|2016]], [[:Category:Biketour 2015|2015]], [[:Category:Biketour 2014|2014]], [[:Category:Biketour 2013|2013]], [[:Category:Biketour 2012|2012]], [[:Category:Biketour 2011|2011]], [[:Category:Biketour 2010|2010]], [[:Category:Biketour 2009|2009]], [[:Category:Biketour 2008|2008]], [[:Category:Biketour 2007|2007]], [[:Category:Biketour 2006|2006]], [[:Category:Biketour 2005|2005]], [[:Category:Biketour 2004|2004]], [[:Category:Biketour 1991|1991]]

==Bienvenid@ a la Ecotopedia - el wiki del biketour de Ecotopia==
==Organizing Ecotopia Biketour==

===Organización del próximo biketour===
This is a self-organized tour!
¡Esto es un viaje auto-organizado!
Ningún club, ninguna ONG, ningún partido político. ¡Sólo alguna gente que sigue una idea - desde 1993! En 2007 pedalearemos por [[Spain#espanol|España]] y [[Portugal#espanol|Portugal]] - aquí están algunas ideas sobre la [[route#espanol|ruta]] y el [[map#espanol|mapa]]. <br>
¿Te apetece? ¿Deseas formar parte de la organización de bt? <br>
Lo mejor es venir a la [[nextmeeting#espanol|proxima reunión]], en línea o en persona, para hacerse una idea de la gente y de las tareas, u hojee los [[meeting_minutes#espanol|minutos de reunión]].
Si vives al lado de ella o conoces lugares para visitar, hablar con [[Joao]]. También compilamos algunos textos acerca de [[what bt is#espanol|qué es bt]] y cómo se [[organise_biketour#espanol|organiza el biketour]] y recogemos algunas de las [[ideas#espanol|ideas]] sobre mejorar BT.<br>
Ahora también estamos trabajando en el [[website#espanol|Web site]]. ¿Y dónde demonios está nuestro [[stuff#espanol|material]]? <br>
También puedes ayudarnos en línea, aunque no vivas al lado de la ruta. Necesitamos ayuda con las páginas móviles de nuestros viejos wikis y Web site - mira abajo a archivar - a este wiki. También [[website#espanol|Web site]] necesita hacer: escribiendo, diseñando y creando una plantilla del ez-publicar.

No club, no NGO, no political party. Just some people following an idea - since 1990!
El ''' ayuda por favor al ''' con algo de esto:
* Buena inspiración de [[ideas#espanol|ideas]] sobre mejorar BT
* Organización de Wiki
cuidado de la toma del ** de mover los viejos textos a aquí
*** Que usted puede aprender encendido [[How_to_edit_Wiki#espanol|como editar lo Wiki]] para contribuir
¿actualización del ** esta misma lista, quizá en esta página [[tareas de Org]]?
Acoplamiento del ** que este huérfano pagina:
El ** colabora en [[route#espanol|ruta]] el bosquejo
lectura, escritura y colaboración del *** en los perfiles de lugares para visitar
* Traducción
La ayuda del ** traduce leyendo [[how_to_translate#espanol|cómo traducir]]
* [[website#espanol|Web site]]
el ** ez-publica el conocimiento dado la bienvenida
Diseñadores del **

==El biketour de años anteriores==
''You are the biketour!''

==Some ideas of how you can help==
[[diario 06]], [[librete 06]], [[inglés pressrelease06]], [[participantes del outreachmail 06 ingleses]],
There is lots to be done<span> </span>:) Here are smaller areas of the project, where u could be the right person to take responsibility:
[[traveltips a Lituania y a Polonia]], [[descripción corta 06 de la ruta]], [[inglés flyer06]]

*coordinating a bit of the route (regional co-ordinators are wanted who speak the local language, can help find sleeping/cooking places, plan the route & find suitable maps for that region, have the overview of actions along the route. See more here: [[Checklist for national/local organisers]])
*take care of our outreach during the tour: flyer, poster, website content, prepare an action, prepare a theatre piece, prepare workshop to be given to the tour members or to the public
fuego del campo [[recetas]]
*coordinate the outreach for participants and organizers
*maintain the [[website]]
¿[[textos sobre bt]] - pozo del ''' ésta se piensa para ser una colección de todos los textos sobre bt que tenemos aquí - pero quién sabe si cada uno piensa en mencionar su texto aquí? '''
*style/design leaflets, posters...
*[[International Coordinator#fundraising|raise funds]]
2005 el wiki - Bosnia, Serbia, romaina y moldova:
*take care about visas issues
*help overall coordination
*be the backup office when we are on tour
el wiki 2004, absolutamente algunos textos en checo y alemán:
*presswork - in your own country and international contacts
*spread the word on the internet through using free software and uncommercial services as much as possible
*Translate documents
*Translate key texts to key-languages (e.g. German, and Eastern Europe in 2013) and other languages
*The wiki pages need to be updated, cleaned out and ordered continuously!!!!!
==Benvindo ao Ecotopedia - o wiki do biketour do ecotopia==
===Organizando o próximo biketour===
Esta é uma excursão auto-organizada!
Não é clube, nem ONG, nem partido político. Apenas algumas pessoas que seguem uma ideia - desde 1993! Em 2007 vamos estar [[Spain#portugues|Espanha]] e [[Portugal#portugues|Portugal]] - aqui estão algumas ideias sobre [[route#portugues|rota]] e [[map#portugues|mapa]].<br>
É apelativo? Quer ajudar em parte na organização do BT?<br>
O melhor será vir à [[nextmeeting#portugues|próxima reunião]], online ou fisicamente, para ter uma ideia das pessoas e das tarefas, ou leia as [[meeting_minutes#portugues|minutas de reuniões]].
Se morar na redondezas ou conhecer lugares interessantes a visitar, pode falar com o [[Joao]]. Nós compilámos também alguns textos sobre aproximadamente [[what_bt_is#portugues|o que é o BT]] e como [[organise_biketour#portugues|organizar o biketour]] e juntámos algumas agradáveis [[ideas#portugues|ideias]] sobre como melhorar o BT.<br>
De momento estamos a tentar desenvolver também o [[Web_site#portugues|Sítio web]]. E onde está o nosso [[stuff#portugues|material]]?<br>
Poderá também ajudar-nos pela internet, mesmo que viva perto da rota. Nós necessitamos ajuda com as páginas, precisam de ser movidas dos nossos wikis e Web site antigos - repare abaixo no arquivo - para este wiki novo. Necessitamos de [[How_to_translate#portugues|traduzir]] as páginas já existentes. Também o [[Web site]] necessita de: escrever, projectar e criar um template de ez-publishr.
'''Por favor ajude''' em algo como:
* Brainstorm de [[ideas#portugues|ideias]] sobre como melhorar o BT
* Organização do Wiki
** mover textos velhos para aqui
*** Pode aprender sobre [[How_to_edit_Wiki#portugues|Como editar o wiki]] para contribuir
** actualizar esta mesma lista, talvez nesta página [[Org_Tasks#portugues|tarefas de Organização]]?
** ligado as páginas órfãs:
** Colaborar com o esboço da [[route#portugues|rota]]
*** leitura, escrita e colaboração dos perfis dos lugares a visitar
* Tradução
** Ajuda a traduzir lendo [[How_to_translate#portugues|como traduzir]]
* [[Web site]]
** ez-publish , alguém percebe deste CMS?
** design
==O Biketour nos últimos anos==
[[diary 06]], [[booklet 06]], [[pressrelease06 eng]], [[outreachmail participants 06 eng]],
[[traveltips to lithuania and poland]], [[short route description 06]], [[flyer06 eng]]
fogo de acampamento - [[recipes#portugues|receitas]]
[[texts about bt#portugues|textos sobre o bt]] - '''pretende ser uma colecção de todos os textos sobre o bt que nós temos aqui - mas quem sabe se todos tencionem mencionar o seu texto aqui?'''
2005 o wiki - Bósnia, servia, roménia e moldavia:
o wiki 2004, muitos textos em checo e alemão:

Latest revision as of 08:08, 8 July 2022


The Ecotopia Biketour Wiki (a.k.a. Ecotopedia) is a place to store information that is mostly relevant to the people involved in the preparation of the Biketour.

Any content that is relevant to participants or the general public, for example official announcements about the route, the Biketour values, information about what is needed to participate, should be on the website instead.

In some cases, the Wiki is also used for collaborative documents (for example to coordinate who is bringing what), but for this it is probably better to use EtherPad or EtherCalc, as those don't require registration.

Everyone can (currently) read any page in this Wiki, and everyone can edit any page, but needs to register for that.

More about the Wiki

Ecotopia Biketour 2019

Our IT Tools

General Information

Former Biketours

Organizing Ecotopia Biketour

This is a self-organized tour!

No club, no NGO, no political party. Just some people following an idea - since 1990!

You are the biketour!

Some ideas of how you can help

There is lots to be done :) Here are smaller areas of the project, where u could be the right person to take responsibility:

  • coordinating a bit of the route (regional co-ordinators are wanted who speak the local language, can help find sleeping/cooking places, plan the route & find suitable maps for that region, have the overview of actions along the route. See more here: Checklist for national/local organisers)
  • take care of our outreach during the tour: flyer, poster, website content, prepare an action, prepare a theatre piece, prepare workshop to be given to the tour members or to the public
  • coordinate the outreach for participants and organizers
  • maintain the website
  • style/design leaflets, posters...
  • raise funds
  • take care about visas issues
  • help overall coordination
  • be the backup office when we are on tour
  • presswork - in your own country and international contacts
  • spread the word on the internet through using free software and uncommercial services as much as possible
  • Translate documents
  • Translate key texts to key-languages (e.g. German, and Eastern Europe in 2013) and other languages
  • The wiki pages need to be updated, cleaned out and ordered continuously!!!!!